2012 January 12
Company Description
1417Power provides real life training and income opportunities for US citizens age 14 plus.
1417Power provides real life training and income opportunities for US citizens age 14 plus, with a unique feature which may provide over $4 million dollars of financial Self Security for their retirement years. The primary mission of 1417Power is to provide the ability for the creation, via early age high pay employment and accumulation of wealth through the use of a Roth IRA. Real work experience and supplemental education are extra benefits. 1417Power collects tuition from sponsors (parents, grandparents, companies, and others - individually or as a group) for a Student Employee (“SE”). The tuition will be used to pay SE wages (including employer FUI, SUI, payroll taxes, employee payroll and income withholding tax), contributions to the SE’s Roth IRA, net take home wages and company operating costs. There are no book costs or other educational fees. The business is operated from its website: www.1417Power.com.
Financial Services -
January 12, 2012 -
Company Website:
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Company Address:
Brentwood, TNUnited States -
- Paul Lucking
We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
Learn more at https://www.ithistory.org/benefits