ITHS greatly appreciates the major financial support given to the organization by the following individuals. Their contributions of time and money have been critical in carrying out our mission. Their support has enabled ITHS to fund a professorship, graduate student fellowships, conferences, and other activities that expand and enhance work in IT history. Thank you for your support.
- Gene M. Amdahl
- Isaac L. Auerbach *
- Walter F. Bauer
- Frank G. Chambers *
- Willis K. Drake *
- Tibor Fabian *
- Richard Gilder
- Walter Haefner
- Chester I. Lappen
- Donald L. Lucas
- Stuart Mabom
- John N. Maguire
- Dan McGurk
- William N. Mozena
- Frank C. Mullaney *
- Kenneth H. Olsen *
- Max Palevsky *
- Donald E. Peeples *
- Douglas T. Ross *
- George M. Ryan
- Lawrence J. Schoenberg
- Clarence W. Spangle *
- James Thornton *
- Erwin Tomash *
- Sam Wyly