2005 October 01
Company Description
83 Degrees is a small software firm exploring online consumer applications with an eye for improving the user experience, eliminating
83 Degrees is a small software firm exploring online consumer applications with an eye for improving the user experience, eliminating complexity, and making use of increasingly open systems. 83 Degrees is the parent corporation for the calendar application 30 Boxes as well as Power Twitter, Super Chirp. The company has put out some other early prototypes including a Web Top, social identity in the form of Buddy Cards, and the first mobile twitter website, twapper. Prior to this company the founders served as the management team for Webshots, sold to CNET Networks in 2004. In 2009, 83 Degrees, sold an advertising network for Facebook, fbExchange, to Traffic Marketplace. The company also develops products for third parties as part of their incubator program.
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October 1, 2005 -
Julie Davidson -
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Mill Valley, CAUnited States -
- Julie Davidson
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