• 2008 August 01

Company Description

AD-Village.com recommends ads from multiple ad networks to publishers. Users are given recommendations on which text, display, flash, and

AD-Village.com recommends ads from multiple ad networks to publishers. Users are given recommendations on which text, display, flash, and video ads to place on their websites. Its goal is to help publishers make more money when hosting online ads. Its premise is simple: Access to more ad networks provides a potential for earning more ad revenue. Current ad network partners include: Adbrite, AdoTube, Chitika, Hydra Network, Miva, TradeDoubler, Yahoo Publisher Network, and more. After publishers are approved by AD-Village, they get instant access to ads through AD Recommendations and AD Search. Its AD Dashboard enables publishers to manage and place the ads they choose onto their websites and blogs. Real-time analytics and revenue tracking provide publishers with insight into their online ad strategies. -------------------------------------------- Contact CEO Marissa Louie: [email protected] (510) 375-1941 http://marissalouie.com Schedule a live demo or reach out for press inquiries.