• 2011

Company Description

Ambio Health provides wireless health and activity monitoring solutions especially for chronic patients and the elderly.

The word Ambio embodies the spirit of Ambio Health. It's the joining of the classic words: Amo meaning love and Bio meaning life. It is also a derived from the Latin word Ambios denoting: visit in rotation, circle, or embrace. A unique aspect of Ambio Health is our Care Circle feature which keeps your support network up to date on your status so they can help you be healthy. Ambio Health's mission is to help people live better in their own homes. Our patent-pending technology provides the most affordable and easiest-to-use wireless health and activity monitoring solution available. Our products assist people with chronic diseases in managing their health, and also enables those who want to 'age in place' remain independent. We automatically record vital sign readings (glucose, blood pressure, weight, etc.) on our health portal and provide tools for members and their care circle to help them stay healthy. For family caregivers concerned about their loved ones living on their own, we also provide wireless sensors to alert you if there is no activity when you expected it or if there is activity you did not expect. The Care Circle tools help you coordinate among other family and professional caregivers.