• 2016

Company Description

Appdate-Me is a mobile application for schools and parents designated to disrupt the market.

Appdate-Me is a mobile application for schools and parents designated to disrupt the market. Appdate-Me is a mobile communication platform that enables sending one to one/many updates in a matter of seconds by using adjustable preset buttons, sending pictures, messages and more. Appdate-Me tracks presence of students and sends out notifications if a student did not check-in, it sorts pictures and sends only relevant information to receiver and much much more.

  • Manufacturer:

  • Formed:

  • Founders:

    Ori Mendelevich
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    18 Yael Rom St., Peath
    Petah Tiqva
  • CEO:

    • Ori Mendelevich
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
    Learn more at https://www.ithistory.org/benefits