2005 October 05
Company Description
Global distributor for large volume Apple products.
Global distributor for large volume Apple products. We retain a valuable partnership with authorized distribution. Our company fulfills large volume distribution orders based on consistent and long term supply contracts. Highly profitable with very minimal risk. We supply the entire Apple product line and everything available on Apple.com. Our distribution strategy is unique and extremely competitive. Due to the large volume commitments, Apple USA demonstrates the ability to continuously commit to large volume which allows us to negoaitate resale pricing with high profit margins. APY 6 months term pays out 20-30% ROI. We are a well known, old, and respect company doing business for 10 years plus. Currently we have 24 contracts ready to be executed.Orders are fulfilled on a monthly basis with a minimum requirement as it outlines in the contract. We would like to expand our bulk orders and supply contracts even more to capture more clients and increase our client base. Why we should be considered: 1) Investment opportunity is highly profitable 2) Minimal Risk (Risk factor under 1%) 3) Distribution is consistent and conservative 4) ROI period dispersed in shorter period of time to reduce tying up cash flow. 5) Great income generator 6) Terminate investment anytime with NO penalty. Still receive ROI for period of time funding was in use. 7) References available 8) Clean company history 9) Guaranteed performance to maximize results 10) Well versed industry experience
Hardware -
October 5, 2005 -
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Silver Springs, NVUnited States -
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