• 2007 December 01

Company Description

Arcadia EcoEnergies is a clean tech company. Our plan is to produce bio oil and flour from hemp seed oil plants.

Arcadia EcoEnergies is a clean tech company. Our plan is to produce bio oil and flour from hemp seed oil plants. Our goal is to build a micro bio refinery in Fredericton, New Brunswick Canada. Our goal is to plant, tend, and harvest hemp oil seed plants . We will harvest the seed, mill press the seed and extract bio oil, our by product is a cake residue that can be transformed into gluten free flour high in omega 3, 6 and 9 also this product can be used for animal feed and is an excellent fertilizer. We would like to construct a 12000 sq foot bio refinery. We have all the technology arranged, seed stock, and we are a shovel ready company. All interested parties please contact us. We can forward a more in depth buisness plan. Thank you

  • Manufacturer:

    Science and Engineering
  • Formed:

    December 1, 2007
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    1757 Route 640 Hwy
    Fredericton, NB
  • CEO:

    • Frank McMinniman
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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