• 2006

Company Description

archivsuisse offers tailor-made archiving services throughout Switzerland.

archivsuisse (formerly archivbern / archivzürich) is locally anchored in Bern and in Zurich and, as a leading national provider, offers tailor-made archiving services throughout Switzerland. They advise, operate archives and archive physical files and digital data in Switzerland. archivsuisse is operated by archival experts and is owner-managed. archivsuisse (auparavant archivbern / archivzürich) est un forunisseur d'avant-garde de solutions global archivage physique, numérique et hybride de données en Suisse. Nous sommes une entreprise privée locale (Berne et Zurich), opérant dans toute la Suisse. archivsuisse (previously archived / archivzürich) has local archives in Zurich and is a leading provider of customized archiving solutions. archivsuisse is run by archiving specialists and is owner managed.