Company Description

Argot Partners is a corporate and financial communications consultancy.

Argot Partners is a corporate and financial communications consultancy that serves public and private companies, investment funds and high net worth individuals. With a wide array agency and industry experience, Argot has worked through virtually every situation facing a growing company or a company in distress. These insights, gained both as client and service provider, have given each member of their team a unique perspective on problem solving, ranging from the development of comprehensive, long-term investor relations programs to communications surrounding raising capital, executing transactions, supporting litigation and handling crisis. Because each client is different, their approach is never formulaic. They study their clients, their situation, catalysts for growth, industry and competitors, and they tailor a communications strategy that serves a clear and achievable business goal. They provide consistent, senior-level counsel and they focus on execution and delivery. This is how they build relationships. This is how they differentiate their product.