Company Description

Argumentum is a web development and marketing website.

Argumentum uses argumentation theory, behavioral economics and common sense to provide a platform for online discussion and debate. Argumentum is lightly designed around certain concepts in informal logic, particularly argument mapping. The elemental unit of Argumentum is the proposition, a single statement which can be opposed or supported. Unlike several academic attempts at structured argument systems like MIT's Deliberatorium, users need not have a thorough grasp of argumentation theory to engage in stimulating debate, as the bulk of structuring is non-obvious. Whereas in the aforementioned systems the user is asked to independently break down their thoughts into premises, rebuttals, and the like, Argumentum superficially appears similar to more standard online discussion mediums. Argumentum's primary innovation lies in the ability for different users to break down any argument through the use of follow-up propositions. Unlike email threads, message boards or blog commenting systems, the user is able to attack individual points in a particular argument, rather than entire posts all at once. This prevents the chaos and disorder normally observed in these mediums while maintaining the communicative flow and passion which are their hallmark. Argumentum is integrated with Twitter, Facebook, Blogger and email so that new users do not have to significantly change their habits to take advantage of the benefits offered by argument structuring.