• 1948

Company Description

Internacional Radio Televisión SA (or "Inter Electrónica") was a Spanish company, founded in 1948 by José Gómez Serrano. Initially manufacturing radios, cassette recorders and record players, the company began producing televisions from the mid-1950s, being one of the first Spanish companies to do so as television transmissions began in the country in 1956. They were also among the first to produce colour televisions in Spain, and appear to be also responsible for the manufacture of the Overkal video game console as a legal deposit labelled "B-54.487-1973" was submitted to the Catalunya library by Inter Electrónica for the Overkal system on 27th December, 1973. Furthermore, there are similarities between the Overkal and other Inter Electrónica devices, even to the point that the Overkal name was previously used on radios manufactured by the company, such as the 615-D. The company was acquired by Grundig in early 1978, though Serrano remained the president of the company until his death on 30th August later that year.
  • Formed:

  • Founders:

    José Gómez Serrano
  • Company Address:

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