• 2011 May 01

Company Description

Treat Ticket is a discount website where users can find deals for local vendors.

Launched on 9 May 2011 in Belfast, TreatTicket is the new group buying site that offers fantastic feel good treats at huge discounts to subscribers across the UK and Ireland. TreatTicket operates using a group buying business concept. The company use collective buying power to work with the best local businesses to negotiate substantial discounts on restaurants, hotels, spas and lots of other incredible experiences and products for subscribers (TreatTicketers) to enjoy. It’s all about the power of numbers – TreatTicket can negotiate great discounts because there are so many TreatTicketers with an active interest in the advertised Treats. As well as advertising the daily treat offers on the corporate eshot and website, TreatTicket's tech savvy subscribers use social media pages and word of mouth recommendation to spread the word about the deal far beyond even TreatTicket's extensive customer base, leading to high volume sales and lots of new customers for businesses.