• 2006 November 30

Company Description

PrideMe.com is a social networking website for military members and veterans to connect with their families, friends, and supporters.

PrideMe.com is a military oriented website which networks military members and veterans with their families, friends, and supporters. This website has highlighted features such as Mil Matching, Video Chat, Video Uploads with categories, Classifieds, Member Blogs, Military Forum, Peer Search, Job Search, Friend Invite, and Groups and Units. The main concept of PridMe.com is to not only develop a network but to develop a query of connections between members according to there location, fields of expertise, and interests. Blocks will be posted to each members profile control panel according to particular interests chosen by member during website registration or when member profile is edited. Member will also accumulate “Prides” (points or kudos) for completing certain actions such as starting a Group or posting a blog. They will be able to receive “Prides” from other members who can give 1 “Pride” to a blog, picture, or video that they enjoy. These prides will be tallied on a normal bases and members with the most accumulated during a given periods will be reward with Profile Highlights, Unit and Group highlights, video highlights, and more.