• 2010 April 01

Company Description

triMirror offers an online platform that uses 3D animation solutions which enable its users to fit on and choose clothes in real time.

triMirror’s virtual fitting room uses the first real-time solution in the world that allows the try-on of real clothes on real-dimensioned and highly customizable avatar bodies, and which allows the user to see where the garment is tight or loose, where it juts out or sags down, how it behaves when they move around in various ways, and compare it side-by-side with others. The user can even manipulate the fabric with a finger. triMirror’s is the only product that applies dynamic clothing and streams a live video back to users live over the web. The system can be implemented online, in-store (with gesture control, avatars, or virtual mirrors), in a gaming environment, and on mobile platforms and customized to retailers’ specific needs. Conversions increase while costs of returns of ill-fitting clothes decrease.

  • Manufacturer:

  • Formed:

    April 1, 2010
  • Founders:

    Len Charni
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    Buffalo, NY
    United States
  • CEO:

    • Len Charni
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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