Company Description
Trinity Green Energies (TGE) is a research and development company.
Trinity Green Energies (TGE) is a research and development company. It is a Trinity College campus company founded in 2014. The company has a broad-based scientific and business focus which is represented by the founders of the company. It is located in the research laboratories of Trinity College Dublin. The company has a research agreement with TCD to advance the development of energy-related technologies. The company holds international patents in this area. The company is funded by private investors and participates in publicly funded research programmes. The company is an innovation partner within the SFI-funded AMBER Centre for research into new materials and nanotechnology.
Data and Analytics -
2014 -
Company Website:
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Company Address:
Trinity Research & Innovation, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity CollegeIrelandDublin -
- Ray Naughton
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