• 1950 January 27

Company Description

Tsubame Radio is a developing, manufacturing, and sales of activity electronic parts.

Tsubame Radio Co., Ltd. (TBM) specializes in the manufacture of potentiometers, which they have focused upon since 1929. Their products, particularly small and / or flat varieties of potentiometers are highly sought after by major companies from around the world. Although most major Japanese companies have moved their plants overseas because of steep yen inflation, TBM built a new die factory in Japan, in order to strengthen their parts production abilities. Their use of an automatic assembly process that both maintains the high quality of their “Made in Japan” products and reduces production costs, enable us to manufacture a premier quality product while passing significant savings along to their consumers. At TBM, they continuously explore and test new products and manufacturing processes in order to maintain at the forefront in the field of potentiometer manufacturing. Their dynamic and forward-thinking approach, maintained for almost nine decades means just one thing to their customers: 'Maximum Quality at Minimum Cost.'