• 2013 October 01

Company Description

TunnelX is a provider of private communication channels for individuals, groups, and businesses.

Tunnel X is secure, private conversation for everyone. Tunnel X offers web-based and mobile-based messaging which allows users the peace of mind they need to have private conversations without fear that co-workers, roommates, hackers, or government agencies will be snooping on their conversations. Users log in not with a traditional username and password (which are easily hacked), but with a photo which they have taken themselves, protected with a PIN. Digital information from this same image is used to encrypt all communications, whether they are text-based messages or shared files (users may share files of any type with each other). Unlike email, social media, and other forms of online communication, Tunnel X is geared specifically towards one-to-one, substantive conversation. Typing a message to the 'wrong' person is essentially not possible on Tunnel X. Hitting 'reply-all' is also not possible. And Tunnel X messages are not surrounded by the clutter of email spam or social-media clutter. Users use Tunnel X when they want to chat without distraction. Tunnel X SSL is configured for a post-Snowden world: all SSL connections are secured by PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy), which disallows government agencies from storing encrypted communications for later decryption. And messages in Tunnel X databases are superenciphered: triple-encrypted using three different algorithms (AES-256 and two AES runners-up, TwoFish and Serpent).