• 2008 February 16

Company Description

TCM is a non-profit organization aggregating personnel and industries related to tourism to provide various services.

First Macedonia Tourist Chamber The Macedonia Tourist Chamber (TCM) is a non-profit organization. It unites on a voluntary basis national, regional and local brand organizations and councils, companies from hotel & restaurant business, tour operators and tour agents, companies and organizations related with tourist industry and fully capable persons. TCM was founded in March 2008. It is the first non-government trade, tourism organization in Macedonia. TCM performs the functions of a non-profit federal union of Macedonian and foreign organizations (companies) and fully capable persons with purpose to coordinate organize and manage the joint activities in the Macedonia tourist industry. The aims of the union are: to unite, assist, encourage and protect the interests of its members and to be fully featuring partner to the public authorities, working in the field of tourism; to assist both the national and regional development and coordination of the hotel and restaurant business as well as other commercial activities, connected with the industry; to stimulate the professional education and qualification; to act as a partner in process of elaboration of national programs for tourism development, lows, regulations, etc.; to participate in the conducting of the national marketing and advertising on the tourist markets; to assist the upraising of the managerial and economical effectiveness of the companies from tourism industry; to represent and defend the interests of the industry employers; to provide its members with updated information on the current conditions and perspectives of the tourist industry. to develop and stimulate business contacts with Macedonian and foreign partners, as well as profitable investments into Macedonian tourism industry. preparation of market estimates of the tourist companies; preparing of business programmes and investment plans consulting services for: - categorization - licensing - information technologies - labour conditions marketing and advertisement market research and analysis promotion of products and services for tourism education and qualification of tourist staff partnership with country authorities supporting of small and medium-size companies partnership with institutions and companies protection of interests of the employers financing and crediting of small and medium-size tourist business investments projects statistics labour stock