Company Description

Tyree & D'Angelo Partners is a private equity investment firm.

Tyree & D'Angelo Partners ('TDP') is a private equity investment firm that focuses on control investment opportunities in the lower middle market. They seek out investments in which they can establish true collaborative partnerships with business owners and management teams that will lead to a substantial creation of value over a long-term investment horizon. TDP relies on an extensive team comprised of Investment Partners, Executive Partners, and Advisory Partners to make investments, and focuses on opportunities in which their team of professionals can add significant value on an ongoing basis. Their team brings a unique combination of investing and operational skills to their partnerships with lower middle market companies that they believe differentiates them from other investment firms. They have invested in and managed companies ranging from $5 million to $20 billion of annual revenues and collectively bring over 100 years of experience and insights that they utilize to help management teams grow their businesses.