• 2012

Company Description

Uepaa is the Peer2Peer (P2P) communication pioneer for mobile devices.

Uepaa AG is the Peer2Peer (P2P) communication pioneer for mobile devices. After 10+ years of research, Uepaa AG has developed a revolutionary wireless P2P communication technology. Its first product - the Uepaa! app - launched in 2013, successfully showcased this technology’s leadership position. With the launch of its Software Development Kit in 2015, Uepaa opens up all this knowhow to the dev community - the answer to multiple business and customer needs all around the globe where direct mobile user interaction or communication matters. Uepaa AG, founded in January 2012 by Mathias Haussmann and Dr. Franck Legendre, is a Swiss ETH spin-off, headquartered in Zürich.