• 2011

Company Description

The United Signals GmbH is a German company for financial technologies and a specialist in Digital Asset Management Solutions.

The United Signals GmbH, headquartered in Frankfurt am Main, is a German company for financial technologies and a specialist in Digital Asset Management Solutions. United Signals offers solutions for Asset Managers, Banks and other professional Financial Service Providers for the digitalization of their services and for the Automation of their workflows. Partners receive a solution tailored to their requirements with all necessary modules in their individual corporate design and own brand. The onboarding solution includes the complete client online application and is 100% paperless. It includes the client data acquisition according to WpHG and all KYC requirements, as well as risk classification, account application, asset management contract, SEPA direct debit mandates and compliance-oriented customer identification. The implementation of model portfolios is completely digital. Order generation, -administration and -forwarding, including numerous checks, can be implemented with the required degree of automation. As a result, partners can focus on their core competences: customer care and investment expertise, as well as optimize their processes cost-effectively and regulatory compliant. In the area of investment brokerage, United Signals provides investors the online access to actively managed strategies and ETF portfolios for their personal investments. Asset Managers can use the United Signals platform as an additional marketplace for their investment models. United Signals GmbH was founded in 2011 by Daniel Schäfer and Heiko Seebach.