Company Description

VieFi id's businesses or mobiles

Like other LBS's, VieFi uses wifi to identify not only businesses and events, but goes on to id individuals by using mobile-side wifi to broadcast the user's unique id to others. The owner of the wifi controls what is displayed when selected from a list. More about what makes VieFi different: Businesses and individuals have complete control over what the viewer sees when they select them from the VieFi list. Any experience that can be on a web site will work. For example; eCoupons or Facebook pages, etc. Simple search parameters help users find not only existing friends, but potential new friends with similar interests. Use cases and revenue streams are plentiful.

  • Manufacturer:

    Data and Analytics
  • Founders:

    Jerry Shaw
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    San Francisco, CA
    United States
  • CEO:

    • Jerry Shaw
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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