• 2010 June 01

Company Description

Vinopic Wines was the world’s first wine retailer to use scientific analyses to judge and score wines for quality.

Vinopic Wines was an innovative wine retailing start-up selling outstanding wines, exclusively online, for delivery across the UK. We were the world’s first wine retailer to use scientific analyses to judge and score wines for quality. The company closed in 2014. Our goal was to guide consumers to make quality-driven wine choices and get better value for money by providing real insights into the true quality of each wine. We achieved this through the Vinopic Score; the world’s only algorithmically calculated, all-inclusive wine quality score combining expert tastings with scientific analyses. This unique score was featured clearly alongside every wine on our webstore, offering a reassuring way for consumers to easily select outstanding wines every time. For further info. about the business or closure contact the lead co-founder Santiago Navarro on Twitter using @SantiagoBiz