• 2008

Company Description

On-line TV Network

VooVeo is an online TV network, bored of conventionally media VooVeo produces its content for what it believes to be the future of Television, the Internet. Instead of producing the standard definition of what an Internet Podcast has come to be. VooVeo produces its own scripted television shows similar to the likes of Lost, The Sopranos and Heroes. An emphasis is put on how the content is produced and is part the companies mission statement 'to keep the audience coming back'. Instead of tuning into ABC to catch the latest episode of Lost each week, VooVeo hopes viewers will do the same for its shows, but online. Adapting the content to the web allows VooVeo to cut production times and costs dramatically. Still retaining the quality needed to produce a high quality broadcast. The content is diverse and all privately produced through VooVeo. Due to launch sometime in 2009.