• 2012 October 19

Company Description

Home to entrepreneurs who are experienced in developing, marketing, and designing.

Vysil Headquarters is a company that develops in different areas including, Apps, Software & Hardware. Our goal is to start small and grow into a larger company that will hire other developers and also create a learning environment. Founder/CEO Steve Aura & Co-founder Oliver Wilson. ->History on VysilHQ & Founders The company was started by Steve Aura, at the age of 15 when he began to explore more about software engineering, other than hacking video games. In 2012 he began to develop apps for the Google Play market, while using MIT Tech tutorials to help him make the apps. For 4 months he worked solo on his company, gaining approval to release his apps in Samsung Apps Store, Cnet.com, Opera App Store & other various large companies that helped with his development. Later on Aug 15, 2013 he found another young developer who was 14 years old. They began to make connection in their work; Oliver Wilson later became the Co-founder of VysilHQ. Oliver had background knowledge in hardware, bringing a new taste to the company. Currently Oliver is working on a project that will foccus on children & hardare.