• 2009

Company Description

vyvyfy.com is a career and business networking platform with a mix of social data.

vyvyfy is a career & business networking platform with a mix of business & social features. vyvyfy.com is a career & business networking platform with a mix of business & social features. vyvyfy.com provide access to people , worldwide jobs, forums, blogs, videos, power point presentations, documents & articles, all of which are neatly categorized into various industries.The most important feature of vyvyfy is its mapping tool, that maps member's as per the industries, cities & countries they represent. Also the jobs and the various resources are mapped directly to a member's profile. vyvyfy has a very easy and consistent navigation on all pages and brilliant search capabilities. vyvyfy job board provides 3 kinds of jobs: * Free jobs * Sponsored jobs * Worldwide aggregated jobs using an inbuilt powerful vertical search engine A company has an option to post a job listing for free or use the sponsored job posting in which case vyvyfy becomes actively involved in providing matching candidates for a standard industry fee. vyvyfy also provides a partnership option for other recruiting firms to increase the probability of filling up a vacancy many folds by leveraging the power of partnership. vyvyfy job board thus provide benefits to the companies, recruiting firms & most importantly provides many options to the member's looking for a job. vyvyfy.com is a new age human networking platform that fosters openness, collaboration & learning.