• 2012

Company Description

Waremakers is an e-commerce platform for small- and medium-sized producers of high-quality products.

Waremakers is a global platform for small and medium sized producers of high-quality products. Working from the conclusion that today's web landscape for high-quality products is fragmented, Waremakers gathers a large number of independent manufacturers in one accessible cluster. The goal is to provide manufacturers that share an uncompromising attitude towards quality with a shared, high-visibility platform. On the demand-side, the goal is to provide global eCommerce customers with a one-stop for this type of product: premium quality and classic, enduring designs. Waremakers could be called an upmarket Etsy – essentially providing a marketplace for producers and customers to meet – but in this case not for arts & crafts, but for professionally manufactured products of the highest quality. Waremakers handles curation, marketing, communication design etc. as well as actual transactions – and takes a commission on each sale. Waremakers also produces and publishes content about its subject matter in 'The Post – Covering the good stuff'.