• 2011 October 01

Company Description

We Buy Books provides services to sell books, CDs and DVDs, Blu Rays and other media.

Welcome to Webuybooks.co.uk, a service designed to help you make money from the books, CDs, DVDs and games you no longer need. Webuybooks.co.uk is one of the leading book, CD and DVD recyclers in the UK. Whether or not your item is found a second life or sadly sent to the recyclers Webuybooks.co.uk handles hundreds of thousands of books, CDs and DVDs a year. At Webuybooks.co.uk our objective is to buy and recycle or find a second life for as many books, CDs and DVDs as possible as well as to help our customers turn their unwanted items into cash. If you have a quantity of used books, CDs and DVDs and the Webuybooks.co.uk website does not really fit your needs or the types of items are not right please feel to contact us and give us details as one of our other services may suit your needs better. If you like what you see then don’t keep us a secret, get out there and tell everyone you know. It’s too good a deal to keep to yourself. We are accredited with the Environment Agency as authorised waste brokers and carriers – registration number CB/FM3359JA