• 2013 March 03

Company Description

Wegow is the platform for live music lovers, with +1.085.000 users globally and present in 19 countries. Wegow, where music goes live

Wegow is the platform for live music lovers, with more than 1.085.000 users globally. The Spanish startup was founded in July 2013 by José María Ozamiz and Gonzalo García-Miñaur, and is based in Bilbao and Madrid. Since its launch, Wegow has experienced steady growth in both users and turnover, and is now present in 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. The discovery gig platform notifies users with the latest gigs of their favorite artists, acts as a personalized music agenda, brings people with similar music tastes together and offers all the ticket options available of a music event. Wegow, where music goes live.