• 2011

Company Description

The Prescription that Saves Lives

Most people believe that prescription drug prices are relatively uniform among pharmacies, but nothing could be further from the truth. If one lacks prescription drug coverage, prices for the same drug can vary by a multiple of sixteen or more at pharmacies on the same street. Even consumers with insurance coverage often choose pharmacies and/or medications that do not provide the best value to them or their health insurance provider, which is often a self-insured employer that ultimately pays for the higher priced medication. The prescription medication market in the United States is a $300 billion market. WeRx and WeRx for Employers is a user-friendly platform that provides consumers and employees with price information and all available pharmacy options for their medications. WeRx has been recommended by Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs and seen in many publications including Harvard Health, PBS, Univision, Miami Herald, and the Charlotte Observer.