• 2006

Company Description

Wikinvest offers a portfolio manager for Android that tracks users’ investment accounts in a single platform.

Wikinvest is just as it sounds; a wiki for investing. The company seeks to take advantage of the large numbers of investors and investing savvy people who are looking to the web to get better trading tips. Like most wikis, Wikinvest will face a few problems including spammed/tampered entries, lack of incentive to create content and the dubious authority of users generating content. These problems exist for Wikipedia as well, yet Wikipedia continues to have as high an accuracy rating as Enyclopedia Britannica while generating millions more pages. Wikinvest hopes to capture a similar ['prosumer'](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prosumer) audience for the investing niche. Wikinvest is meant to be a research portal where anyone can contribute information on company profiles, investment concepts, or chart analysis. The site is a competitor with financial profiles and news listed on Yahoo and Google Finance, as well as Wikia's investment portal and company profiles on Wikipedia. Wikinvest faces the stiffest competition from the financial sites themselves, which offer real time news along with their professionally edited content. Wikinvest, however, has a wikis advantage of nimbleness, by quickly adjusting to new trends and interlinking across concepts. Other competitors involved in p2p investing include, [Vestopia](http://crunchbase.com/organization/vestopia), [Stockpickr](http://chttp://www.stockpickr.com/), [People And Picks](http://www.peopleandpicks.com) and [Cake Financial](http://crunchbase.com/organization/cakefinancial), a [TechCrunch40 Company](http://www.techcrunch40.com/2007)

  • Manufacturer:

    Financial Services
  • Formed:

  • Founders:

    Mike Sha
  • Company Website:

  • Company E-mail:

  • Company Address:

    1085 Mission St
    San Francisco, CA
    United States
  • CEO:

    • Mike Sha
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
    Learn more at https://www.ithistory.org/benefits