
2008 August 30
Company Description
Collaborative Investment Research
WikiWealth is a collaborative research and analysis website. WikiWealth combines the sum of the worldâ€s knowledge, thinking, and skills to produce the highest quality research and analysis for stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, currencies, commodities. Value Investing 2.0 WikiWealth collaborates with individuals worldwide to find the best investments. Quality research is our highest priority, so we utilize the wisdom of our community, because more minds are better than one. Better Research Our free research reports bring cutting-edge innovation to over 3,500 stocks, currencies, commodities, and funds. See our real time stock research, rigorous analysis, and interactive tools. Better Answers WikiWealth mobilizes the worldâ€s investing knowledge to answer one simple question: should I buy or sell? Compare stocks to funds, commodities, currencies. Each analysis is conservative by default and open to scrutiny. Groundbreaking Analysis Donâ€t you deserve the best investments? Find them here. WikiWealth breaks down the potential of every investment by their long term and short term potential. Powerful Tools WikiWealth analyzes each investment using three advanced methods that combine the formulas, approaches, and concepts used by Wall Street and Warren Buffett. Organized Ideas Short term investment potential is purely quantitative, but for long-term investments, numbers cannot predict everything. From competition to brand strength, many factors affect a companyâ€s potential.
Financial Services -
August 30, 2008 -
David Durant -
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Bermuda Isle CircleNaples, FLUnited States -
- David Durant
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