• 2010

Company Description

WIndowfarms provide personal scale edible indoor gardens for homes, schools, and restaurants.

Windowfarms are vertical, low-energy, high-yield edible gardens. The patent-pending hydroponic systems are currently sold online in the US & Canada. The company provides consumers, educators, and food service businesses with attractive hydroponic systems, renewable accessories, and a shareable experience of growing fresh local vegetables indoors, even during the winter. Growing food in a windowfarm brings people together in real life and online. Thus, the company has grown rapidly along with its global online community of 35,000+ at our.windowfarms.org. These windowfarmers share techniques, constraints of individual window microclimates, troubleshooting, curricula, recipes, d-i-y improvements, environmental impact assessments, and personal opinions on subjects ranging from energy use to childhood obesity. Entrepreneur magazine named Windowfarms to its Top 100 Brilliant Companies in 2010, and to the Top 10 in Home Improvement, for a product customers describe as lush, trickling fountain-like sculptures, apartment green space, and living refrigerators. Appearances on the Martha Stewart Show, NPR, Good Morning America, and a feature in an upcoming PBS TV series drive nationwide brand recognition.