• 2012 June 01

Company Description

WindowsWear.com allows users to digitally shop the latest styles and looks in the windows of the worlds

WindowsWear.com (http://www.windowswear.com/) allows users to digitally shop the latest styles and looks in the windows of the world's fashion retailers. WWD says 'WindowsWear bridges technology and e-commerce'. WindowsWear PRO (http://pro.windowswear.com/) is a subscription service that provides trends, analysis and exclusive access to the world's fashion windows. Glamour Brazil says it's 'the Google Earth of store windows'. WindowsWear's Fashion Window Walking Tour (http://tours.windowswear.com/) is NYC's premiere fashion-related tour. It's an in-depth journey into NYC's fashion industry, its most famous stores, how they design their windows, and the latest fashions on display. Time Out New York says 'WindowsWear took window-shopping to a whole new level'.