• 2015 December 01

Company Description

Winvention is a platform utilizing multiple business models such as; online/mobile platforms, advertising and a technology infrastructure.

winvention is part of the TiTANplatform, a platform utilizing multiple business models such as; online and mobile platforms, advertising, and a technology infrastructure. The platform gains revenue from gaining commissions for facilitating license partnerships, license registration fees, providing a separate platform space to media device businesses, and selling commercial content. The advertising business includes advertisements based on digital content, advertisements on exclusive players, the clueworks platforms for advertisements and more. The profit model for the infrastructure business revolves around reselling global CDN and infrastructure by utilizing the global network that they are establishing. When the right holder signs up to the platform, a personal page is created called “MY CHANNEL (MC).” Within this channel, the user can sell and purchase content, and on the back end of the channel they can access information on the statistics of their content use by users. The content uploaded onto the MC will be compatible with multiple devices. Creators will also be able to opt into an advertising model if they wish to gain additional means of profit. As stated, the TiTANplatform offers copyright protection to the content owners, various profit structures, and customized services. The content distribution platform and the advertising platform will carry advertisements based on both content and user statistics that are produced through an automated matching logic. The personal channel ads and network partnership ads are efficiently analyzed and distributed through different content.