2006 April 11
Company Description
Wish Days is an Italian holding company operating in various fields such as gift experiences, incentives, tourism, services, and more.
Wish Days is an Italian holding company operating in different fields. Total 2012 turnover was $ 40 millions, 2013 turnover is espected to be $50 millions. Main areas are: - gift boxes, sold to final customers through retailes (travel agencies, consumer electronic shops, library, food retailer, own shop) with the brand Emozione3. These boxes contain a guide and a voucher through which it is possible to live an experience (night out, day spa, dinner...). - Relationship marketing. We offer b2b services to Italian companies to help them in their loyalty activities and incentive plans. - Online travel agencies (with the brand Elation.it and Finalmentevenerdi.it). - hotel customer reviews web portal (www.trilltip.com).
Financial Services -
April 11, 2006 -
Cristina Pozzi -
Company Website:
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Company Address:
Via Oberdan, 4VeronaItaly -
- Cristina Pozzi
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