• 2015 May 01

Company Description

The world's best wish list

Wisher is the world’s best wish list. It's social, flexible and fun. Users discover new and innovative things, wish the things they love and buy it later. It's both a wish list and can serve a as gift list. We partner wit innovative brands to get on the wish lists of Millennials and act as a go to market platform both online and offline. The Wish Factory is a pop up retail experience we roll out in malls and airports across the world to generate buzz around the most exciting products available in the market. Our focus is on tech, gadgets, robotics, gaming and toys for grown ups. We are a next gen commerce platform looking to help direct retail to entertainment and social commerce. Our business vision is to connect the world to make a 1 billion wishes to happen by 2020. Wisher HQ is based in London and launched in June 2015 with a core team of two – Maz Cohen as CEO and Iain Donaldson as CTO to the Wisher business.