• 1978

Company Description

Wixen Music Publishing is s publishing administration and a copyright management for music artists.

Wixen Music Publishing, Inc. is an alternative channel for publishing administration, copyright management, and royalty compliance review. The company has always been on providing ultra-high- quality administration with extra consideration given towards royalty analysis, while both protecting and exploiting its clients’ copyrights. It doesn't try to function as bankers and collateralize its clients' earnings with advances. Wixen Music functions simply as copyright administrators. Clients still keep and control their copyrights, Wixen Music keep its money, and clients retain more of theirs. Its clients were scrutinized closely to ensure that, among other things, all songs have been accounted, payments are based on the licensed rates and shares of ownership, and all sources (and likely sources) of income have rendered timely accountings. Wixen Music Publishing, Inc. was formed in 1978 by Founder Randall Wixen.