• 2016 December 01

Company Description

Crack team of specialists in product, digital transformation and software delivery.

The lines between technology and marketing are converging. There is a need to create a new role that can help marketers and technologists focus on their area of expertise, to achieve a common vision, set forth by the CPO. The CPO or Chief Product Officer, has marketing and technology skills, they hold the customer at the centre of all decisions and can ensure effort is focussed on the right area and technology and marketing teams can focus on their capability Wombat Alley is a crack team of product, technology and marketing professionals brought together to help businesses unleash the power in their people and technology to get the right things done. They do this by working directly with teams and leaders to develop a shared vision of the future. We’ll consider team capability, develop a product strategy and streamline delivery processes. They bring all disciplines together to create cohesiveness, enhanced productivity and happiness for staff, customers and shareholders.