Company Description
Wordle is an application allowing its users to generate “word clouds” from a provided text.
Cooked up by [Jonathan Feinberg](, Senior Software Engineer at IBM Research, [Wordle]( lets you enter text or any URL with an RSS feed and turns the words into 'wordles', slick looking visualizations of the entered text. The more times a certain word is mentioned throughout a text, the bigger it's displayed, sort of like tag clouds. The tool uses a variety of effects and fonts which you can 'randomize' simply by clicking a button. Wordle lets you print out visualizations, save them as PDF or to a public [gallery]( for the whole world to see. The images created by the Wordle application are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. You can print out a Wordle. Like, put it on your book cover, your t-shirt, your campaign poster,and ect.. You can get rich off iof making wordles. Just tell people how you made the image, or, if you're using one from the gallery, where you got it from. If you use a screen-capture, PDF, or other image representation of a Wordle on this site, you must attribute the image to
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