• 2012 April 17

Company Description

Workpays Ltd is a compoany that provides consultancy, project management and training to employess.

workpays.me is an e-Commerce platform that promotes financial wellness and enables individuals to make necessary life purchases through hassle free direct deductions. Individuals have the opportunity to purchase thousands of name-brand products & services with the flexibilityFLEXIBILITY to pay over time through direct or payroll deductions. workpays.me believes in helping people make informed financial decisions for their life needs. workpays.me allows members to purchase items they need or want while educating them on responsible buying decisions including how those decisions may positively or negatively impact them. workpays.me offers access to all quality of life purchases and needs. Many people simply cannot obtain quality of life items without paying extraordinary amounts of money at rent-a-centers and payday lenders. Many resort to purchasing lower quality,less reputable items with no warranties and high shipping costs workpays.me provides responsible borrowers a full range of high quality products for everyday use at a fair, reasonable price.