• 2013 May 08

Company Description

The fist-ever online resource center for women and girls around the world.

WorldWideWomen is an easy-to-use online resource platform for women who want trusted information. Our mission is to connect women and girls around the world with valuable organizations, programs, and services that have the potential to positively impact their lives. Women-specific resources are fragmented all over the web. It’s difficult to sift through the data to find what you need, and what you do find is not vetted for quality and value. Women have no idea of all that’s available and no time to hunt for it. We research and curate resources exclusively for women and assemble them into an easy-to-use, content platform that streamlines the search and vetting process, and presents, for the first time, the big picture of all that’s available. New services will be added as we grow—online communities; forums; resume and job board; e-commerce; member discounts; and others TBD. WorldWideWomen launched in February 2017 with 6,000 listings of services for women in 24 major cities in Africa, Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East, and the US.