• 2008 June 06

Company Description

Chinese Online Pet Community

WoWuWu aims to become the largest online pet community in China. Its platform is built as a vertical social graph for pet lovers of all kinds in China. WoWuWu's site functions are modeled after the same basic features of [Facebook](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/facebook) but with an added twist in that it is a 2-layer social tool rather than 1-layer, meaning not only are there profiles for users but all users can create separate profiles for their pets and their pets can be friends with other pets as well. There is currently no social networking site for pets in China. There are mainly only BBS forums. However, WoWuWu is not just an SNS website but a technology platform focused on providing relevant social tools to facilitate social networking interactions. The site combines both the popular functions of BBS postings in China with the personalized and ease of use of SNS features. The distinctive design and functions of the site make it possible for members and their pets to connect effortlessly with one another and stay on top of their friends/pets activities.