Company Description
Xenoma is a spin-off from Someya Group Organic Transistor Lab in the University of Tokyo and JST/ERATO Project.
Xenoma Inc. is a spin-off company from Someya Group Organic Transistor Lab in the University of T[okyo and JST/ERATO Someya Bio-Harmonized Electronics Project. Professor Takao Someya have been dealing with Organic Electronics since 2003. His ultrathin and ultraflexible device is harmoniously interface with human bodies by taking advantage of the inherent softness of organic materials. Xenoma is aiming at realizing e-skin, which is a next-generation textile-based wearable electronics as an ideal interface between human and device.
Hardware -
2015 -
Ichiro Amimori -
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Company Address:
TokyoJapanThe University of Tokyo, Entrepreneur Plaza 7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku -
- Ichiro Amimori
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