• 2005

Company Description

Xhale and it's subsidiaries are transforming healthcare through the application of exhaled breath and novel vapor analysis in

Xhale, a Delaware corporation, was founded in late 2005 based on intellectual property and patents licensed from the University of Florida. The company began product development on its SMART medication adherence monitoring technology and on a propofol monitor in 2006. In 2008, the company began development of a third product line, the HyGreen hand hygiene monitoring and recording system. By 2010, Xhale had successfully commercialized HyGreen, and the product was spun out as a stand-alone company with a separate management team. During 2008 through 2011 Xhale was awarded two Phase II SBIR grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), totaling more than $4 million, to supplement the investment made by the company in its technologies. In 2010, Xhale in-licensed patents underlying the Assurance technology and began development of the Assurance product line. Xhale is now focused on its SMART, Assurance and propofol monitoring product lines, and is preparing for their commercial launches in 2013. The company is privately held and private-equity funded.