• 2016 April 15

Company Description

The Everything Bicycle Store

Problem: Small Retailer Problem - Independent local retailers don’t have the time, skill, or money to do e-commerce well or to do it at all with current solutions. Consumer Problem - Shopping local retailers online is mostly non-existent and a poor experience at best. Solution: XION makes it insanely easy for small retailers to create an ecommerce store. Small retailers simply create a store on our marketplace website and add products from our database. A consumer uses our site to shop their local retailers online and in one place. With our site they can see which local retailers carry the products they are looking for and can purchase them directly on our site or just go to the nearest shop and get it. Mission Statement: XION’s mission is to create the best consumer shopping experience. Why We’re Doing This: Dan Fairbanks started XION because when he was operating his own specialty running stores and e-commerce site he got really fed up with the bad software he was using. Dan couldn't find a software solution that truly made my life easier as a small retailer. He knew there had to be a better way. Dan teamed up with Robert Ivie, a veteran software engineer, and together they are building the future of omni-channel retailing. Team: Dan Fairbanks - CEO - Dan graduated from BYU with a degree in entrepreneurship in 2009. Dan started and operated his own running stores and e-commerce website for 4 years in the Seattle area. He then went to a coding bootcamp to learn iOS development, which he did professionally for 2 years before starting XION. Dan was in the first Startup Ignition cohort where he applied the lean startup methodology to validate his ideas with customers. Dan has a knack for great UI/UX design and will hustle to do whatever needs to be done to make XION a success. Robert Ivie - CTO - Robert is a veteran programmer who can get a lot done quickly. He excels solving complex problems and works really well in teams. Robert has worked for big companies and startups alike including Ancestry, ProPay, Powercode, and FamilySearch. Robert has turned down CTO offers at other companies to work on XION because he believes in XION’s mission.