• 2016 July 14

Company Description

Disrupting the global market for business applications and SaaS

XIOS/3 is a deep tech company from Sweden. One of the pillars of everything built on the Internet is the application server, a technology that allow developers to build their server code on a foundation containing common functionality instead of building every project from scratch. It is hard to imagine all SaaS companies and startups we see today without the application server. When we founded XIOS/3, we wanted to once again disrupt how we build and imagine web applications by innovating the client-side counterpart and companion to the application server – the Client Application Server. It is a truly unique technology that has taken us a hundred man years to realize and 8 million dollars in investments and several years of development, but so far yielded 18 issued US patents. Yes, issued – not only filed! It was built by the same team that built and launched Icloud, CloudTop and CloudMe – recognized forerunners and visionaries in the field of cloud computing. With the Client Application Server we will revolutionize the enitre market for web applications – why continue to build client-side application from scratch when there is an application server around? This new technology makes it possible to make the most out of the capabilities available inside a web browser and it fosters a methodology based around extensive code reuse, componentization and monetization of code components. The technology will dramatically improve the user experience and means an end to reinventing the wheel for every new project, projects will be delivered faster with less bugs and the user interface will be richer with a user experience closer to traditional installed applications. The unique Client Application Server technology shifts a majority of the application execution from the server backend to the connected clients and their local CPU thus making applications built using it: - Work globally from one single data center – Putting an end to costly re-writings of applications to work with multiple data centers - Scale to millions of users from day one with a minimal amount of servers – Client execution drastically reduces the number of server requests (by up to 66%) - Have better user experience and speed – Reducing network bandwidth usage (by up to 99%) thus eliminating most problems caused by network latencies Thereby our technology solves three of the biggest problems for SaaS companies, while reducing their development, operational and maintenance costs. XIOS/3 also makes applications run beautifully over mobile networks or in remote locations. The server backend can, with the Client Application Server, assume a cleaner architectural role as the data storage node, data coordinator, user authentication and security engine and application distribution platform – all through well defined API’s. Today, XIOS/3 is the only company with a Client Application Server technology. This makes us uniquely positioned to change how things are built on the Internet and to become the go to technology for companies and developers that need things built quicker, more scalable, reach a global audience, and provide a great user experience. The XIOS/3 technology is also a greener choice for SaaS companies, since the environmental footprint is substantially lessened with reduced number of required servers and data centers, and reduced network bandwidth consumption – all through the utilization of the untapped resource of all connected client devices' CPU:s to any online application. Think about it – utilizing web browsers and HTML5 to harvest the CPU power of all connected clients is the most natural and green next step for the future of cloud computing.

  • Manufacturer:

    Information Technology
  • Formed:

    July 14, 2016
  • Company Website:

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  • Company Address:

    Box 569
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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