• 2010 January 25

Company Description

XtraInvestor is a collaborative investor community that operates as a social platform for investors.

XtraInvestor.com (XI) is a collaborative investor community. XI is a social platform for investors who are interested in closing the information gap between professionals and non-professionals. The community believes in social collaboration to gather information, to make sense of the information, to improve risk prediction and to /reward understanding and to generate ideas. All types of investors are welcome as long as they're using authentical identities. XtraInvestor is different from the numerous stock forums on the web due to: - No alias, no anonymous comments - authentical identity only - a filtering mechanism; all-in-one personal filtered feeds - social bookmarking in the various groups - documents can be attached to comments/status updates - social blocking to block spammers/manipulators/abusers in real time - opportunity for closed groups - content readable for members only (and not search engines) - strong privacy control for members