• 2013

Company Description

Xüdle provides a holistic approach to the sale of wine products.

Xüdle provides a holistic approach to the sale of wine products. Their goal is to provide modern technology to the wine industry offering wineries a single-view of their customer data and providing information they need to better market and sell their products. Xüdle is the creation of Infinity Arts, a web design and development firm that has been providing custom solutions to businesses for over 15 years. Over the course of our career they have had the privilege of working with many winery clients for both Branding and Custom Web Applications. They found the business software for the industry to be extremely fragmented which became the inspiration for the creation of Xüdle. With a highly experienced team of wine business professionals, developers and designers Xüdle has released a complete cloud based sales solution set out to solve the software challenges facing winery direct to consumer sales.

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    28465 Old Town Front Street,, Suite 224
    Temecula, CA
    United States
  • We recognize our sponsors starting at $1 per entry.
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